More Map Making Masters....
John Carto
Torsten Richter
and anyone else who's ever made a map for Shadow Warrior !
Pictures pulled from Sheri Sleyzaks "Shadow Warrior Pix & Stories" offline website.
Pictures of the map Makers will likely be from the 1998 era.
Pictures pulled from Sheri Sleyzaks "Shadow Warrior Pix & Stories" offline website.
Pictures of the map Makers will likely be from the 1998 era.
Depth of Game Design by Fabrice Demurger
Writing, it's like speaking you know : it's only words. We use words to give information, of course, but we use it in order to justify ourselves too… We think that we share information, but often we are only trying to convince other people that our own point of view is the best one, that we are nearest of the true than the others…
I worked for 18 months in a French video game magazine, I used to think that to express my opinions about video games i had to test was some kind of a creative activity. Since, I discovered Build and I can tell you that creativity is elsewhere… When someone listens to you, or read your texts, it's so much different when someone plays your map :
Any text is full of points of view given by the author, it can quickly and easily stinks… When a player is walking in your map, it's the opposite… Inside the map, the author (after the programmers, of course) is everywhere, behind each corner, each design, each item, each shading, each furniture (each trap, each puzzle, each trick, each FX is a gift to the player)… but the author keeps silent… The main goal is really to make the player forget that there is someone who creates this place… making the player having fun as much as possible, spending good time in this Twilight Zone, letting him to be the hero of the tale, letting him feel he is inside a realistic world, it's so much respectable than trying to make him think that you're the one who said the big true about anything…
Giving people opportunity of spending good time, while they forgot their usual troubles. Giving happiness and pleasure, even if it doesn't change the reality, this is the big quest of entertainment. Video game is like cinema in the early 20th century, scaring the generation before who do not understand this new media. I mean people who dunno what to do with this freedom, this responsibility they have to face, that is allowed by the game. This is why video game is stronger than the cinema, as people are now the main actors of the story, and nothing can or will change this new way of generosity… Okay, that's enough… Next time I'll speak about Build that looks like scale models : the Build user spends hours in a Twilight Zone, his mind really inside a place which possesses its own reality, full of microscopic details, trying to succeed in reaching perfection … this damned perfection that never ends…
Writing, it's like speaking you know : it's only words. We use words to give information, of course, but we use it in order to justify ourselves too… We think that we share information, but often we are only trying to convince other people that our own point of view is the best one, that we are nearest of the true than the others…
I worked for 18 months in a French video game magazine, I used to think that to express my opinions about video games i had to test was some kind of a creative activity. Since, I discovered Build and I can tell you that creativity is elsewhere… When someone listens to you, or read your texts, it's so much different when someone plays your map :
Any text is full of points of view given by the author, it can quickly and easily stinks… When a player is walking in your map, it's the opposite… Inside the map, the author (after the programmers, of course) is everywhere, behind each corner, each design, each item, each shading, each furniture (each trap, each puzzle, each trick, each FX is a gift to the player)… but the author keeps silent… The main goal is really to make the player forget that there is someone who creates this place… making the player having fun as much as possible, spending good time in this Twilight Zone, letting him to be the hero of the tale, letting him feel he is inside a realistic world, it's so much respectable than trying to make him think that you're the one who said the big true about anything…
Giving people opportunity of spending good time, while they forgot their usual troubles. Giving happiness and pleasure, even if it doesn't change the reality, this is the big quest of entertainment. Video game is like cinema in the early 20th century, scaring the generation before who do not understand this new media. I mean people who dunno what to do with this freedom, this responsibility they have to face, that is allowed by the game. This is why video game is stronger than the cinema, as people are now the main actors of the story, and nothing can or will change this new way of generosity… Okay, that's enough… Next time I'll speak about Build that looks like scale models : the Build user spends hours in a Twilight Zone, his mind really inside a place which possesses its own reality, full of microscopic details, trying to succeed in reaching perfection … this damned perfection that never ends…