Players of the Past / Present
Found an old website (Gamepit)
with a list of more early Shadow Warrior players on TEN.
- Real Name: that's my real name... ha ha no bitch! Dave
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: NYC!! now in rochester, and Orlando, FL
- Age: 21
- Games you play on TEN: Shadow Warrior, diletant at others
- Computer: AMD K6-200 hooked it up myself... Crazy Fast!! will rock most Pent II 233's / 4.3 Ultra DMA HD / 17" Mag DJ700 / Sony MDR-V600 Studio headphone (only for Shadow Warrior!) / 10 MegaBits/Sec 3 Com Ethernet card
- Connection type: T1 (10 MegaBits/sec... i.e. Crazy Fast) I've downloaded at 517 k/sec.. Thank you UR
- Graphics card: Diamond Stealth 3D Pro 2000 w/ 4 MB ram... (had Voodoo, but returned it.. waiting for Monster II from Diamond)
- 3D Accelerator: Had Voodoo, but returned it.. waiting for Monster II from Diamond
- Sound card: Sound Blaster AWE 64 Gold
- Primary game controller: Microsoft Mouse. nothing compares... all those 3D joysticks with 6 axis of control are nice in theory.. but don't do it for me.
- Your config.
- Anything else?: I know you guys won't believe how much I payed for all this crap..$1739. flat..that's including the 17 inch monitor, how?? Crazy skills scoping every page of Computer Shopper all summa long.
- Hobbies/personal info: Basketball... no other sport anymore..I gave up all other sport.. for the love of Ball i used to be insanely into Tennis, got sponsored and shit by Reebok. Was into Volleyball, even played for College (B setter). Was heavily addicted to aggressive skating.. (ha ha even cracked my balls on a rail once) Still into Snowboarding..(got me a 149 cm Ride Jason Ford Pro Model) Football, baseball... all that shit and everything above don't compare to basketball. I love breakin hoochies up in SW..But I LOVE Breakin hoochies' ankles up on the court I am also into improving my vertical.. if any of yall know any methods that worked for you, i'm all ears... oh one more thing.. Ab Roller really works.. twice a day for a month will get any fat nasty stomach some lines. I mean, unless you're SW playin couch potato lazy bitch..One thing about bitches on SW...Don't be a bitch and trash talk if you ain't gonna even join a game... Back the shit up. And another thing, if my game says anything and everything goes.. then don't start bitchin about the spawn kills. Shit.. i have an equal chance of dying as everyone else. And personally, i think it's hilarious when someone dies like 6 times straight.. I play with the risk that that person might be me. That;s what makes it fun, tense... that's good shit if you wanna play all laid back and shit. why play? And if your argument is that it takes no skills.. oh contraire bitch i've been killed lots of times puting up those sticky shits SPAWN KILLS are not Cheap.. they make everyone wanna stay alive more..
- TEN suggestions/gripes: yo grim, you work for ten? ten betta hurry up and send me my free copy of PC gamer
That;s part of the reason i signed up as a VIP member Ten should give discounts to the top 10 or so ranked players
to make playing more desirable.. Maybe even a free month if you stay in the top 3 for the whole month or something..
They should do something.. and hold more tournaments.. like every week or so otherwise, ten is doing a great job..
- Real Name: roger bailey
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?:chicago
- Age: 23
- Games you play on TEN: sw,duke,diablo
- Computer: dell 200mmx
- Connection type: 33.6
- Graphics card:
- 3D Accelerator:
- Sound card: awe32,sound blaster 16
- Primary game controller: mouse
- Anything else?:
- Hobbies/personal info:
- TEN suggestions/gripes:
- Real name: Diego
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: Venezuela. Orlando now
- Games you play on TEN: Shadow Warrior, sometimes Duke and Quake
- Computer: Pentium 166
- Connection type: 33.6
- Graphics card: 4 MB... I think, not sure, maybe 2
- 3D Accelorator: Huh?
- Sound card: Opti something, Sounblaster compatible
- Primary game controller: Keyboard
- Anything else?: yeah, I got a CD-Rom drive too... cool huh?
And a couple of speakers...
and a mouse of course...
even a Microphone!!!! - Hobbies/personal info: Music, Sound engineering, computer games, movies...
- Real Name: Dave ****
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: California
- Age: 21
- Games you play on TEN: Shadow Warrior, Duke3D, Duke3D Plutonium, Quake (hate it but I play it once in a while)
- Computer: Gateway 2000 P5-100
- Connection type: USRA 28.8 PC Internal fax modem
- Graphics card: Hmmm not quite sure i play from my roof with a pair of binoculers inorder to see my neighbors computer. Dont really know what kind of graphics card he has.
- 3D Accelerator: Man you guys ask some tough questions...I Guess I'll just have to break into my nieghbors house take apart his computer and look.
- Sound card: SoundBlaster AWE32
- Primary game controller: MS Sidewinder 3D Pro
- Anything else?: Well I'm not much of a computer wiz atleast not when it comes to the actual hardware..I'm not like GRIM or CREAMATOR I dont have the money for a new computer and I dont know how to build one if I did. I guess I'm just not as special as they are :(
I think the only reason that I filled this out was to get some sence of personal GAMEING glorification. When you guys kick my ass just consider what little computer I have to work with here and then marvel at the feats I accomplish! hehehe. Nothing against Gateway INC. after all they are without a doubt the best RETAIL computers money can buy...but I'm just getting outdated quickly. - Hobbies/personal info: Paintball is the only sport I play and I love it!! For any of you Paintball enthusiests out there, if TeAm AmErIcA ever comes to your town for a tourney or something of that nature (only reason we travel) ask "witch one of you is BuEnA fron TEN?" I'll be glad to waste you on the field...especially if you kick my ass in Duke or SW!!!!!
- TEN suggestions/gripes: You guys have always been a good service with a few faults, some minor and some not so minor.
My first "Gripe" is: I dont know if it is true but I have heard that TEN has suspended telephone tech. support. Let me be the first to say..What the hell are you guys thinking?!
"Gripe" #2: TEN is just plain too expencive! Kali is 20$ 1 time fee. Dont get me wrong I noticed the vast diffrance between the two. TEN is far better but even on the VIP account no game network is worth 30$ every 3 months! 15$ every 3 months I would be satisfied with.
"Gripe" #3: The kids on TEN are disgusting! I realize that to sighn up for TEN you have to be 18 years old. Video Games are usually for kids but that doesnt mean that so called adults such as myself should be excluded! (BuEnA <---- Big kid at heart) I have been a TEN member since the begining and I am sick of being called names just because I beat some kid. In a situation like that I have only three options: I can muzzle the person, I can bite my tounge so to speak or I can sink to their level.
I AM SICK OF BITING MY TOUNGE!!! YES they are kids and kids will be kids. YES I should just ignore them. YES they are on TEN with little if any supervision! I know it is not TEN's responsibility to look after the children of others, if it was it would be TBN Total Babysitters Network not TEN. The kid situation ruins my fun a lot of times on TEN and a lot of others agree with me on this. TEN needs to get strict and boot people off for good if they can not conduct themselvs in a pleasnt or atleast civil manor!!!
- Real Name: Batman
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: Minnesota donchya know
- Age: 14
- Games you play on TEN: Shadow Warrior of course, used to play Duke
- Computer: Compaq Presario 4764
- Connection type: 33.6
- Graphics card: Sorry to lazy to check =)
- 3D Accelerator: Dont know
- Sound card: Forgot
- Primary game controller: Sidewinder 3d Pro of course
- Anything else?: hmmmm, super easy acess to weapons and flash bomb.... <DUH> and jump and crouch ARE on the joystick.... i think they are just dandy there
- Hobbies/personal info: Hobbies huh, hmmmm, well i guess beating up on GRIM is one....LOL, he wastes me every time =) I play HS soccer and football occasionally in the neighborhood
I am a male. I am 4'3", i have red curly hair, insainly thick glasses, i wiegh 41 lbs, have no muscle, I like to wear tight jeans, pink button down shirts, polka dot bow ties, rainbow suspenders, knee high socks, one of those hats with a propeller on it, and pink lacey underwear hehe, no i like Adidas and Unionbay if you really care....
I would just like to say thanks to some people, so if anyone ever does read this, these people are very cool about helpin me out....GYNYRDS and Nevus are both extreemly cool alone for being helpful =) Riceboy and me are an invinsible team, well, i think so anyway, i dont know about what he thinks.... anyway if you've read this far then you can put up with my lame humor, and off the top of my head i cant really think of much else to type, well....later - TEN suggestions/gripes: TEN-HAVE ANOTHER TEAM TOURNY! please =)
- Real Name:
- E-mail:
- Where ya from?:
- Age:
- Games you play on TEN: Shadow Warrior, Duke, DSO, Quake, Red Alert, Diablo, C&C(have played the FULL VERSION at least once)
- Computer: P120 getting a P300 with alot of cool stuff soon
- Connection type: 28.8
- Graphics card: Matrox Milennium
- 3D Accelerator: Getting one w/ new system
- Sound card: Acer 3D Sound card
- Primary game controller: Keyboard/mouse
- Anything else?:
- Hobbies/personal info:
- TEN suggestions/gripes: That AssWhipe DethPimp is such a whiner The stupised SW
player(not rank, mental) See me on ten...
- Real Name: Chris
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: Long Island, NY BABY!!!
- Age: 27
- Games you play on TEN: DUKE3D, SW, Quake, EF2000
- Computer: Custom P200MMX (Homegrown)
- Connection type: 28.8 SupraFax.....sad ain't it?
- Graphics card: Stealth 2000 3D
- 3D Accelerator: some built in to card above
- Sound card: SoundBlaster AWE32
- Primary game controller: Kensington Expert Mouse & Keyboard
- Anything else?: Yeah Bitch... It is da dopest shit to play some hairy as games on a system that you built yourself.... Me and grim went to a computer fair and bought all the shit at dirt cheap prices... Then we put it all together and WALLA!!!
- Hobbies/personal info: oh yeah... I AM STILL THE "ONE TRUE DUKE"... heheh I won a FREE YEAR of TEN... Thanks TEN!!!! It was a hard battle to the top. For one moment in my life I was a national champ... It was the greatest... moment...<cream starts tearing>... of my life....WAAAAAAAAAA<Cream: balling his eyes out>........ I LOVE ALL YOU GUYS!!!! I also rebuild and make Mitsubishi Starions go really, really, FAST!! check it out on my website.. which we be total redone visit back often. I am a graphics artist in NYC. Its nice to do something that you dont dread for a living
- TEN suggestions/gripes: I wish TEN was cheaper.. you know "Free" is just to much for me to pay!!! hahahahhahahhahhahhahah <cream laughs all the way to bank> I really like Grims site.. He has come pretty far. He didnt know JACK!! and now look at him... He's a web authorin, Shadow Warrior ass bustin, pud beating mad man.!!!!! weeeeeeeeeeee LOVE YOU MAN!!!!! Shout out to EVERYONE ON TEN!!!! PEACE
- Real name: Shane Vickers
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: Vail, AZ
- Games you play on TEN: Quake, duke3d, Sw
- Computer: p. 200
- Connection type: 36.6
- Graphics card: diamond steath 3d , <4 meg>
- 3D Accelerator: diamond stealth 3d
- Sound card: diamond 16 bit
- Primary game controller: sidewinder 3d pro
- Anything else?: great web site.
- Hobbies/personal info: I like to play sports and play games on the net.
- Real Name: Wade
- E-mail: Kenthar@Concentric (OR) [email protected]
- Where ya from?: Reno, NV
- Age: No, I can't gamble. (yet)
- Games you play on TEN: Red Alert (suck at it), Shadow Warrior, Sometimes Quake, Duke. Not too bright on those RPG puzzle games, always get stuck within 30 minutes of the game.
- Computer: Brand new P-200 MMX, 32 megs of EDO RAM. Pretty nice system, sometimes I have to end up kicking it tho.
- Connection type: Free T1, totally kicks. That's why I get FI all the time. Nah, 33.6, still can't connect worth crap.
- Graphics card: Umm....
- 3D Accelerator: ATI 3D Rage. I know, it sucks
- Sound card: Sound Blaster Pro
- Primary game controller: Gimme any damn mouse and a keyboard and I'm set to go. No joysticks for me, always start off blowing myself straight to hell.
- Your config.
- Hobbies/personal info: What do you mean? I play Shadow Warrior all day long, it's my life. No, actually I used to skate but it got lame real quick. Decided to start riding bikes. No, not the fairy mountain bikes the BMXing ones. I like football because it means I get to smash the shit out of some guy smaller than me. Hate people in Shadow Warrior that think they're all badass but can't play worth jack.
- TEN suggestions/gripes: TEN really needs to get their connect problems fixed. Been having some major problems connecting and I'm really getting pissed. Need some more tourneys here. I mean Ninja Night is great and everything, too bad I can't sign up that early in the morning on Tuesdays, also I haven't seen many prizes being handed out. Oh yeah, hey Grim.
See if you could get me a discount on this TEN pricing would ya?
- Real Name: Lance
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: San Antonio TEXAS
- Age: 18
- Games you play on TEN: SW,QUAKE,DUKE
- Computer: Packard Bell P166
- Connection type: 28.8
- Graphics card: Didn't ask dont care it works
- 3D Accelerator: Not yet but soon
- Sound card: who knows soundblaster compatible
- Primary game controller: CHEAp universal Joystick and keyboard
- Your config. If you really wanna know contact me
- Hobbies/personal info: Ranching, All shooting sports. I am
ranked #1 in the U.S. with smallbore rifle and Blackpowder. And #4 with a bow. Shooting
is my life and thats it. - TEN suggestions/gripes: Well other than to shoot Mr. B there isn't much I detest to Ten. Well, maybe suspention of players with conduct unbecomming. OF a set of rules for conduct
- Real Name: doosh
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: Orange county CA.
- Age: 22
- Games you play on TEN: A lot of shadow a bit of duke and starting to play some gl quake now its out. Sometimes when i'm feeling really crazy ill play a game of red alert.
- Computer: P200 64mb
- Connection type: 28.8 hopefully to become ISDN within the next month. I have the modem, just no provider.
- Graphics card: Millenium II 4 meg
- 3D Accelerator: Voodoo 3Dfx 4 meg
- Sound card: Awe 32 PnP
- Primary game controller: sidewinder 3d joystic
- Anything else?: Got 2 puters here, i built both. The other computers a p120 24 mb with a mistique 2 mb. Also have tonns of software, OS's photos manip. you name it i got it
- Hobbies/personal info: I bought my first computer 11 months ago, so i'm new to this stuff. I've learned alot in a year though. I'm half way through my computer engineering degree and love to puff herb. I can puff and still get shit done. . I surf just about everday being i live a mile from Huntington Beach. I snowboard in the winter, but it sucks in comparison to surfing. My dorkiest hobbie (besides being a computer friek) is ping pong which i rip at. I play at my college and kill all those asian guys lol. no shit, and i'm 6'5" 200 which makes it even funnier, those guys are all 5' and down. oh ya, i grow weed to (shhhhh)I have gobbes of R\C stuff, gas cars, (dirt & street), loads of gas planes and gliders, and 1 helicopter
- Real Name: Danny Drogoshell
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: Austin, Tx
- Age: 34
- Games you play on TEN: ALL
- Computer: P2 300MHz
- Connection type: Cable
- Graphics card: Obsidian Voodoo
- 3D Accelerator: Obsidian Voodoo
- Sound card: AWE 64
- Primary game controller:
- Your config.
- Hobbies/personal info:
- TEN suggestions/gripes:
- Real Name: Glenny
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: Massachusetts
- Age: 16
- Games you play on TEN: Duke. AD&D
- Computer: packard bell
- Connection type: 56k internet connection
- Graphics card:
- 3D Accelerator:
- Sound card:
- Primary game controller: joystick
- Your config.
- Hobbies/personal info: football player from Mass, linebacker for the Scarlet Knights. Also plays lacross, defence is my is best position. Those two sports are my best I many play others. The music I listen too is Metallica, Guns & Roses, and others.
- TEN suggestions/gripes:
- Real Name: michael
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: australia and hateing it
- Age: 13
- Games you play on TEN: shadow warrior,duke 3d, red alert
- Computer: pentium 166
- Connection type: don't know
- Graphics card: 4mb
- 3D Accelerator: can't remember
- Sound card: sound blaster 16
- Primary game controller: virtual headset
- Your config. cdrom 12 speed, mouse, keybourd printer,microphone,scanjet 5p,creativelab gamepad
- Hobbies/personal info: play the computer, soccer, n64, sony palystation
- TEN suggestions/gripes:
- Real Name: Kip
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: NY
- Age: 27
- Games you play on TEN: Shadow Warrior, Duke Nukem, and GLQuake. Favorite genre: 3d Action.
- Computer: I build my own 'puters, this one is a P-200 MMX, w/32 MB SDRAM 10 ns, 4.2 Gig EIDE ATA-3 HD, Tyan Titan Turbo Motherboard, Intel 439TX chipset. Full tower, of course :) Patiently waiting for 100mhz motherboard bus speed, and slot 2 architecture.
- Connection type: Damn, still a 28.8, soon to be xDSL or cable, when they are available in my area.
- Graphics card: Diamond Stealth 3d 4 MB
- 3D Accelerator: Monster 3d, 3dfx Voodoo chipset (If you don't already have a 3dfx card, you WILL be left in the dust on all the new crop of 3d action titles hitting by x-mas). As soon as Voodoo2 is out (March '98), I will be running 2 pci cards in SLI (Scan Line Interleave) mode, and enjoying 100+ f.p.s.
- Sound card: Creative AWE 32 (still the MOST supported sound card for gaming).
- Primary game controller: Logitech Trackman Marble, and Keys. Grim's note to all you gamers using the Sidewinder, or other Joysticks: Warning! Warning! ALL the new 3d games that are to be released in the near future, including: Quake II, Duke Nukem Forever, Hexen II, Unreal, Prey, SiN, Daikatana, Half-Life, etc...etc..will ALL require mouse/trackball to "free-look" as your primary controller, so consider this as you get so damn used to your sticks! Just some friendly advice. I used the Sidewinder 3d pro stick in Duke for 2 years, but forced myself to make the switch to trackball and keys for all the upcoming titles.
- Anything else?: I work long and hard, for many hours a day to make this one of the 'net's premier gaming sites. So like um, gimme credit.
- Hobbies/personal info: I enjoy gaming, gaming, and more gaming :). I am currently pursuing a career in the industry, and have a great relationship going right now w/ TEN. I also ski (the snow type), workout, and generally try to keep in shape however I can. Sitting here for 8 hours a day doesn't help much w/ your physique :-( On the side, I am an Audio Engineer in a NY nightclub, where two nights a week I mix live bands, and make good cash. During the day, I also do 3d computer room modeling for advanced acoustical analysis, and assist architects in the design, and installation of complex sound systems using a CAD program running on my laptop.
- Real Name: Paul
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: So.Cal. (near the big "A")
- Age: don't ask........born 1954
- Games you play on TEN: Duke;SW
- Computer: Homegrown Triton motherboard (intel 430vx) with a Pentium166MMX overclocked to 200mhz (If your not overclocking you must be INSANE!)
- Connection type: US ROBOTICS 28800 disguised as a TelepathII
- Graphics card: Diamond Stealth 3D 2000 2megs EDO ram
- 3D Accelerator: Still looking for funding .......d:(
- Sound card: SB-16
- Primary game controller: Logitech Trackman serial and keyboard (to dizzy with my space orb)
- Your config. Arrow keys for movement rpg=0 numeric keyboard shotgun=1num. shrinker=rt alt ludes=rt shift and the rest is irrelevent as far as i can tell....hehe
- Hobbies/personal info: Guitars and Computers are my bag...I ride my motorcycle when I get bored with them. Play a Fender Strat and Ibanez EX Series also have accoustic dreadnought (don't ask me where they came up with that name) And I get all my overclocking info at take a look sometime...guy's a walking encyclopedia of motherboards, video cards, cpu's etc.
- TEN suggestions/gripes:
- Real Name: Russell Glover
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: Cocoa B. FL
- Age: 21
- Games you play on TEN: Shadow Warrior
- Computer: Pentium
- Connection type: 33.6
- Graphics card: trident
- 3D Accelerator: say what
- Sound card: ESS ES1868
- Primary game controller: Gravis gamepad pro
- Anything else?:
- Hobbies/personal info: Snowboarding- ya im from FL so what, skateboarding
- TEN suggestions/gripes:
- Real Name: Bruce
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: Vietnam
- Age: 18
- Games you play on TEN: quake, red alert, duke, sw
- Computer: Pentium 225 MMX, overclocked bus to 75 mhz..
- Connection type: 144 Aol.. gets excellent
- Graphics card: Diamond Viper V330
- 3D Accelerator: Daimond Viper V330
- Sound card: Sound Blaster 16
- Primary game controller: Sidewinder, mouse and kb
- Your config. you prolly dont want it..
- Hobbies/personal info: well, I used to be pretty good at Duke, but i quit that, cuz everyone in duke had like a million new names, and I had no idea who in the heck i was playing!
so i moved on to some new games, i first tried Red Alert, which i got pretty darn good at ! made it to number 6, then my uncle canceled the acct, not keeping up with my homework. Well my favoite thing to do is tweeking my computer and helping others with
theres (i live in a dorm with like tons of people who own p2 266's and all they do is run MS word, yeesh, even then, they need help with there computers), so i get a kick out of helping people out with there computers, cuz afterall, it is my hobby ;) well ill cyz guyz around TEN!
HoJo - TEN suggestions/gripes:TEN is like unsupporting Moto Racer! that game is Da bomb!!
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: MIAMI BEACH
- Age: 25
- Games you play on TEN: SW, DUKEY, AND SW
- Connection type: 56K X2 BABY
- Graphics card: STEALTH 3D 4 MB
- 3D Accelerator: HEHE THE SAME
- Sound card: AWE 32
- Real Name: il yum
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: long island, ny!!
- Age: 19
- Games you play on TEN: shadow warrior (aint nothin bettaz!), waiting for duke foreva to hit ten
- Computer: self built, all components carefully chosen- p5 200mmx (betta 3d gaming cpu than amd or cyrix...out performs floatin pt) on a asus tx97 w. 32mb sdram, maxtor diamondmax udma 7gig, quantum fireball st udma 2 gig, Priceton Graphics E050, 10mgbits/s
3com - Connection type: $30,000 a year t3 includes tuition, room and board, and meal plan....I GOT FREE ETHERNET CONN THUR SCHOOL (U of Rochester)
- Graphics card: diamond stealth 2000pro w/ 4mb
- 3D Accelerator: had monster but my 30day trial period was over at computer city, waiting for sw 3dfx patch to be released to repurchase my voodoo
- Sound card: sb16 (gonna get me awe64 gold so i could listen to some kikin mp3's in da background while playing sw)
- Primary game controller: ms mouse and keyboard
- Your config.
- Hobbies/personal info: hard core b-ball playa..first i was strictly a v-ball playa but aint no sport like b-ball...still play lot of other sports but b-ball is where my hearts at....only 5'8" on a mission to grab rim...and one day dunk the rock!!!
- TEN suggestions/gripes:
- Real Name: Jeremy
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?:San Jose, CaLi!
- Age: 16
- Games you play on TEN: Duke, SW, Blood, Quake, hmm, that new RPG on TEN.
- Computer: P200 MMX
- Connection type: 33.6
- Graphics card: Diamond Stealth 4mb VRam
- 3D Accelerator: Hope to get one in the near future!
- Sound card: YKA (Yamaha Kickass System)
- Primary game controller: Mouse/Keys all around! W00PASS
- Anything else?: Every person that has asked for my config has never once taken the chance to use it because it is so out of whack, only an idiot like me can use it :)
- Hobbies/personal info: You should know.. seeing me on TEN all day! :) Of course, partying is always one way to get me afk. Other than that, I enjoy picking fights!
- TEN suggestions/gripes: GRIM+Cream: me and Psu are out to get ya next tourney! muhahah!
JJ_evans: screw discounts, its all about warez! no need to waste good money! go out drinkin or to a strip joint with that well saved money :)
Keep up the great page GRIM, I need the page up for when you crown me king of SW! (doh.. too bad i never take the time to play the darn game)
- Real Name: jimmie walker
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: st.louie, mo, baby!!
- Age: 21 years dumb
- Games you play on TEN: shadow warrior, duke3d and deadlock, yeah, thats what i said, dumb ass deadlock, i like ok, listen i dont need this harassment, deadlock rules...
- Computer: p133, w/32edo....a classic modern shit box..
- Connection type: tin can and string....33.6
- Graphics card: stb lightspeed 128
- 3D Accelerator: yeah, send me one over, what the hell...
- Sound card: computers can have sound too?, no shit?!?, ill have to get one now...
- Primary game controller: atari paddle, oh yeah, sometimes i use this mouse i got, ....
- Anything else?: no, nothin...its covered in stickers...the only thing i like is that i got a 20' monitor, oh yeah, good for art and the eyes baby....but whats with all this pressure, this shit costs money and your turnin it into some big damn competition, man, i dont need this shit. notice there isnt a question on, what kind car do you drive, you stupid bastards, i hate you much do you make a year?, yeah, thats right, im a poor muthafucka...hehe..ill just shut up now...
- Hobbies/personal info: ahhhh...maybe this little story will help sum me one time, i bought my friend this blowup doll as a gag birthday gift, i dunno, it was like 20 bucks and well worth the laugh, the peice of shit didnt have any holes in it either, i guess it was made for the pervert that just likes to cuddle, the blowup doll was just sitttin there gettin i put a t shirt on it and put it in my car passenger seat, hehe, then i put the seat beat on it and drove to my local Taco Bell drive thru, ...i place my order, and drive up to the window, . well the guy gives me my food and and kinda chukles about the blowup doll, then he asks me the classic taco bell drive thru sauce question, "Hot or Mild sauce?", so i turn to the blow up doll and i say, "Honey?"...hehe, anyway, the guy thinks im a complete fuckin psyco right, and he calls his fellow employees over to the window to laugh at my blowup doll, so anyway, when they come over...i look all pissed off and dead ass serious, "
- TEN suggestions/gripes: ten is cool, but i wish they had more contests and a DISCOUNT on games when you buy them at a store or somethin, just a little insentive....i wish there were more contests like the map contests, that last guy that won the duke contest got a job at Apogee...shit..if i woulda know the stakes where that high i woulda entered.....but tens cool, its fuckin glad i joined when i did and got that discount, but ill never pay no 25 bucks or whatever it is.....the one thing i dont like about the gampit, is the logo on the front...hehe, but MAD SHOUTS OUT to MegaGnome, FooFighter, GRIM, MFMAN, mr_max, and straight up FUCK Mavurick cause he muzzeled me over some dumb shit and never unmuzzled my dumb ass, even after i told him how i think he looks good in a speedo, and he should come to st.louis and straddle my love goat...=) oh yeah..peace out to all my hatians and sicilains,---i dont know what that means, but ive been sayin it*8up
- Real Name: Ken
- E-mail:
- Where ya from?: CT
- Age: 19
- Games you play on TEN: C&C Red Alert Duke3d SW
- Computer: Pentium 200
- Connection type: 34.9
- Graphics card: not sure
- 3D Accelerator: graphics pro g8
- Sound card: soundblaster pro
- Primary game controller: 360 Spaceorb
- Anything else?: What is really cool is that I can interchange cotrollers easily. Without having to reconfigure
- Hobbies/personal info: I play trombone in a ska type of band. My real screen name is DEATH MARCH but I haven't entered it as mt TEN one because so many people know me from Quake and other internet games I wanted to have sort of a secret identity. I also am a huge Red Alert person and as soon as you can send maps to the Pit I will do so with a wide range of land and sea based maps.
- TEN suggestions/gripes:I really hope you guys plan support for Red Alert Afftermath. It will be really cool with all the new units and stuff.
- Real Name: Cory
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: Vail AZ. (Tucson)
- Age: 35
- Games you play on TEN: Duke3d,Shadow Warrior,Nascar2...maybe?If they ever get it going
- Computer: p200
- Connection type: 28.8
- Graphics card: Stealth 3d
- 3D Accelerator: 3dfx
- Sound card: 16 bit diamond
- Primary game controller: 3dpro
- Anything else?:
- Hobbies/personal info: Racing my limited late model #17 at Tucson Raceway Park....Maybe if I get 50 more hp some new tires and some luck you will see me in the winners cicle durring Winter heat on ESPN2 this winter (((Please))). I also have a good time 3d gaming. I'm not the greatest but I have fun, and if I get hammered to bad I'll sick my son DaDukesta on ya. He's a whole lot better than I am...but he gets it from me heheheh :)
- TEN suggestions/gripes: Oh yea sombody get busy writing code for joystick drivers...I suck with a mouse...:(
- Real Name: Ford
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: San Antonio
- Age:18
- Games you play on TEN: Shadow Warrior, Duke, Quake
- Computer: Custom
- Connection type: 28.8
- Graphics card: Number 9 motion 771
- 3D Accelerator: None yet..
- Sound card: Sound Blaster 16 P&P
- Primary game controller: Keyboard Only
- Anything else?:
- Hobbies/personal info:
- TEN suggestions/gripes:
- Real Name: Johh Newman aka Immortal
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: New Jersey
- Age: 16
- Games you play on TEN: whatever i feel like
- Computer: Dell 200 pro
- Connection type: 28.8
- Graphics card: Matrox 4mgs of ram
- 3D Accelerator: none geting Pure3d
- Sound card: Awe 32
- Primary game controller: Sidewinder3d Pro RULEZ
- Your config.
- Hobbies/personal info: I play shit is a hobby i guess.. I claim the best player ever in duke3d if u think your better you can gadly call me for a modem game...
POWER TO THE F*UCKEN KING!!! --Immortal - TEN suggestions/gripes: Ten RULEZ!!!!!!!!
- Real Name: Mike
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: Austin, Texas
- Age: 15
- Games you play on TEN: quake, sw , blood, duke
- Computer: compaq pentium 166, 80 megs ram : )
- Connection type: 24.0
- Graphics card: 3Dfx
- 3D Accelerator: 3Dfx
- Sound card: compaq
- Primary game controller: Mouse and keyboard
- Anything else?: Need a faster connection : )
- Hobbies/personal info:
- Real Name: Josh Bedell
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: Long Island, NY
- Age: 17
- Games you play on TEN: shadow
- Computer: Dell P-133 32MB EDO Ram
- Connection type: 33.6
- Graphics card: Number Nine Motion 771 w/ 2 meg dram
- 3D Accelerator: Not yet
- Sound card: Creative Labs Sound Blaster AWE 64
- Primary game controller: Keyboard/mouse
- Anything else?: Bitchin site
- Hobbies/personal info: Play the trombone in a LI Ska band. Ten has lowered my GPA considerably. In fact, I should be doing homework right now.
- Real Name: Bah U Dont Need To Know
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?:South Sub Chicago
- Age: 18
- Games you play on TEN: SHADOW and BLOOD
- Computer: K6 233Mhz MMX, 64MB 10ns SDRAM
- Connection type: ISDN
- Graphics card: Hercules Dynamite 128 4 MB MDRAM
- 3D Accelerator: Righteous 3D (uses awesome 3Dfx chip)
- Sound card: Sound Blaster AWE64 GOLD
- Primary game controller: 5 - Button Mouse with Roller and Keyboard of Course
- Anything else?: I have a total of 7 fans in my case (guess i like my chips cool) and I even put a P200 cooler on my awesome 3Dfx Card !
- Hobbies/personal info: 1 of M Hobbies is of course Shadow and Blood (which I am VERY good at)...and thats all u need to Know. HeHe
- TEN suggestions/gripes: TEN gripe is ------- Costs to much ! HAHA
- Real Name: Greg
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: Detroit, Michigan
- Age:
- Games you play on TEN: Duke, Duke Atomic, Shadow
- Computer: Compaq Pentium 200MMX 56 megs ram
- Connection type: USR vioce 56K
- Graphics card: Trio 64V+
- 3D Accelerator: Matox Mistique 4 Megs
- Sound card: ESS 1788 Audiodrive
- Primary game controller: Good Ol Sidewinder 3D Pro
- Anything else?: Altec Lansing ACS48 80 Watt Speaker system
- Hobbies/personal info: Field Service Engineer, Computer Geek and some day would like to be able to compete with the better gamers on ten.
- TEN suggestions/gripes: Create a complaint place for people who are abusive toward other players for possible explusion from ten for a month at a time. like teamers, constant profanity users, ect. Also I whish ten would outlaw the use of K, I mean how hard would that be to do?
- Gamepit suggestions: For your websight, a controller settings area for special controllers, mice, trackballs, ect. where a rookie may save time to use these settings upon his start to ten.
- Real Name: ************
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: Md
- Age: 14
- Games you play on TEN: Sw,Blood,Duke3d and sometimes RedAlert
- Computer: P 166 mmx
- Connection type: 56.66
- Graphics card: ummmmmmm
- 3D Accelerator: Monster 3d
- Sound card: ????????
- Primary game controller: Keyboard + Mouse
- Your config.
- Hobbies/personal info:
- TEN suggestions/gripes:
- Real Name: Roy
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: Florida
- Age: 27
- Games you play on TEN: Duke, Shadowwarrior
- Computer: Pentium 233MMX
- Connection type: 56K FLex
- Graphics card: PCI #9
- 3D Accelerator: same
- Sound card: awe32
- Primary game controller: KEYBOARD
- Your config.
- Hobbies/personal info:
- TEN suggestions/gripes:
- Real Name: Jaime
- E-mail:
- Where ya from?: Peru
- Age: 24
- Games you play on TEN: Duke and sw
- Computer: P233mmx
- Connection type: 28.8
- Graphics card: cheap one
- 3D Accelerator:
- Sound card: Sound Blaster
- Primary game controller: Gravis Gamepad 4 button
- Anything else?:
- Hobbies/personal info:
- TEN suggestions/gripes:
- Real Name: Mike
- E-mail: ten email :)
- Where ya from?:
- Age: 18
- Games you play on TEN: Shadow Warrior, maybe Duke if im super bored
- Computer: P233MMX, 32 megs SDRAM ,16x cd-rom,too small of a hard drive..
- Connection type: 33.6.....cable very very soon, WooHoo :)
- Graphics card: matrox mystique 2 megs :(
- 3D Accelerator: none...but will get one when the new games come out
- Sound card: crappy sound blaster clone
- Primary game controller: Gravis Gamepad
- Your config.
- Hobbies/personal info: i spend too much time on this damn comp...but whatcha gonna do? into sports also..whatever sport doesnt matter once in a while to get some much needed excercise. A sports fan too....LOVE hockey...Habs rule baby! also NFL football and Formula 1 racing.hello's to jj_evans,ubergnome, and my friends on Kali
Later. - TEN suggestions/gripes: too many damn kiddies ruining the fun for everyone...but overall, (in the shadow warrior arenas) TEN is cool, i enjoy it
- Real Name: Ryan Campbell
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: TUCSON AZ HOME OF DA WILD CATS!!!!!
- Age: Im only 15 a young buck some will say but BRING IT ON!
- Games you play on TEN: Shadow warrior, Duke, duke pluto,C&Cred alert, Quake,Blood And i think that is it
- Computer: Good Ol stock p166-not god like but it gets the job done
- Connection type: 28.8 bps Us Rob. supra fax/voice
- Graphics card: i dont know but i it sucking right now cause i have 4 timed lagg bursts!!! can any one help me??
- 3D Accelerator: I WISH!!!!!!
- Sound card: AWE 32
- Primary game controller: MS SIDEWINDER 3-D PRO BABY!!!!!
- Anything else?:
- Hobbies/personal info: Well all i really have to say is sup to my family on ten, Lucifur, Dadukesta, firefighte, countDUKE, KiLLeRkIlE and that is about it umm and also id like to say hody to my freinds, yourmama, jigsore,Chew_toy, Chew-toy, umm......Shannie, marge, gizmo, code7,Dman, Rqusar, boogyman, dukemikeD, Wolf gott and who ever else i fergot, also like to say best of luck to u ori0n, And WAS UP TO DA SLAPPY CLAN _TSC_ Which i am a big part of, and well Peace im outtie, kickin it cool style,
Quick_kid Aka Ryanc - TEN suggestions/gripes:
- Real Name: Chris
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: NC
- Age: 33
- Games you play on TEN: Duke, Shadow, Blood
- Computer: Dell XPS P200s
- Connection type: crawling 28.8
- Graphics card: Number 9
- 3D Accelerator: what?
- Sound card: AWE 32
- Primary game controller: mouse/keyboard
- Your config. left right click...mouse aiming
- Hobbies/personal info: Golf, snow skiing, riding my HARLEY DAVIDSON, and of course whooping peoples ass on TEN
- TEN suggestions/gripes: #1 Do away with ranks...causes people to not play each other.
#2 Way too expensive!!
#3 No phone support...that REALLY sux!!
- Real Name: Eddie
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: Air Force brat
- Age: 40
- Games you play on TEN: SW, RA, Duke
- Computer: p200
- Connection type: 28.0
- Graphics card: I dont know
- 3D Accelerator: Thinking about getting one
- Sound card: SB
- Primary game controller: Mouse & keys (looking for my run key)
- Anything else?: I use left ctrl and alt to jump and crouch so i can move with the mouse. Still dont strafe good so I tend to suck bad in wide open maps like metal.
- Hobbies/personal info: Making my own beer and wine, B-ball, Kendo, been practicing martial arts since I was 12 but have grown old fat and lazy lately . Used to play a game on conpuserve called Sniper for a LONG time. Loved it but its gone now so all i have
now are these shooters. - TEN suggestions/gripes:Well, TEN does a better job than all of the others i've seen and i'm no techie so i dont know what can be done about it, but unstable game play just chaps my ass. Lag and all that stuff i dont know how you overcome it i just know it makes you want to go lay on the couch and drink a beer.
Rip98, DontRIPMe
- Real Name: Reaper
- E-mail:
- Where ya from?: USA
- Age: 15
- Games you play on TEN: shadow warrior, soon Diablo
- Computer: Compaq 166 mHz 24 RAM
- Connection type: 33.6
- Graphics card: S3d graphics accelerator
- 3D Accelerator:
- Sound card: Sound Blaster
- Primary game controller: good ol keyboard
- Anything else?:
- Hobbies/personal info:
- TEN suggestions/gripes:
- Real Name: Ryan
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: Mission Viejo, CA.
- Age: 22
- Games you play on TEN: Shadow Warrior, Quake, Duke, Total Annihilation, Red Alert
- Computer: Compaq Presario P266MMX
- Connection type: 56K modem, usualyy connects at 28800 though
- Graphics card: 64-bit 3D graphics
- 3D Accelerator: --
- Sound card: 64-bit (i think)
- Primary game controller: Mouse/Keyboard
- Your config.
- Hobbies/personal info: Well besides play games on my computer? I love to snowboard, skateboard, goto the beach here in California. Watch movies.
- TEN suggestions/gripes: Well, TEN is really cool, but I guess ya can't really do too much about them damn padders. Campers are another way to get me pretty pissed. MOVE!! I'm just hoping that TEN will support Quake II.
- Real Name: Mike
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: New Jersey
- Age: 16
- Games you play on TEN: REd ALert, Shadow Warrior
- Computer: P 120 32 ram
- Connection type: 28.8
- Graphics card: I dont' really know but.. it's 2 meg
- 3D Accelerator: Huh?
- Sound card: sound blaster 16
- Primary game controller: Just the mouse
- Anything else?:
- Hobbies/personal info:
- TEN suggestions/gripes:
- Real Name: Jesus
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: Jersey
- Age: 16
- Games you play on TEN: shadow warrior, quake, red alert, and duke
- Computer: Gateway,p200 mmx 32 megs sdimm ramm
- Connection type: 26.400
- Graphics card: stb virge 3d
- 3D Accelerator: stb virge i think ?
- Sound card: ?
- Primary game controller: keys and mouse
- Anything else?: umm it works, i use the same configs for evergame, cept red alert =)
- Hobbies/personal info: sports.. and what not =)
- TEN suggestions/gripes: umm well ten is ok could lose some of the lagg but over all it's really good
- Real Name: kris payton
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: colorado
- Age: 13
- Games you play on TEN: x wing vs. tie fighter
- Computer: windows 95
- Connection type: 56k
- Graphics card:
- 3D Accelerator:
- Sound card:
- Primary game controller:
- Your config.
- Hobbies/personal info:
- TEN suggestions/gripes:
- Real Name: Jeremy
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: London
- Age: 17
- Games you play on TEN: Diablo, Quake
- Computer: 133, Custom
- Connection type: 33.6
- Graphics card: 4MB S3 ViRGE
- 3D Accelerator: Orchid Righteous 3D 4MB
- Sound card: Sonud Blaster Awe 32
- Primary game controller: Microsoft Wingman
- Anything else?: 17 Inch Monitor, erm........ Thats about it! oh And Yamaha Speakers!
- Hobbies/personal info: Drawing, Games, Music, Ice hockey, Basket Ball, Kung Fu Movies, Any movies directed by John Woo.
- TEN suggestions/gripes: The page is Great enough!
- Real Name: Tball
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: My Mom õ¿õ
- Age: Um Um 30 somthin
- Games you play on TEN: SW what else (for now)
- Computer: 888 ahahaha just kidding p133 I buils and sell comptuers ya think i would have a better system
- Connection type: 56K X2
- Graphics card: Diamond stealth 2000 series with DTV 1100 daughter card so i can watch TV and kill at the same time whata country
- 3D Accelerator: NONE Waaaaa Waaaa
- Sound card: AWE32
- Primary game controller: Thrustmaster stick but by the looks of it im going to have to look at getting a trackman Waaaa Waaaa
- Anything else?: Cool hahaha who said my setup is cool
- Hobbies/personal info: all sports real and cyber still play football every sunday damn i getting old
- TEN suggestions/gripes: Hmmm where do i start well i will keep the size of this down COUSE THERES NOT ENOUGHT SPACE TO GRIPE hehehehe
- Real Name: Mykhael
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: Midwest
- Age: Generation-Xer
- Games you play on TEN: Diablo, Duke, Quake, Red Alert, Total Annihilation, Shadow Warrior
- Computer: Dell P166
- Connection type: ISDN
- Graphics card: n/a
- 3D Accelerator: Hercules Stingray 128/3d Most people have said "Wait for the monster board." But this card only takes one slot vs two and has awesome performance. I've never had a problem with it
- Sound card: Awe32
- Primary game controller: Keyboard/Mouse
- Your config.
- Hobbies/personal info:
- TEN suggestions/gripes:
- Real Name: Shawn
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: Seattle
- Age: umm,26
- Games you play on TEN: SW,Duke
- Computer: NEC 7620R
- Connection type: 33.6
- Graphics card: Beats me man....
- 3D Accelerator: Ditto.....
- Sound card: S.B.AWE
- Primary game controller: Sidescrewer,3d pro,hehe
- Anything else?: It turns on when I hit the power button!No,really everything is pretty "stock"Just a couple of
extra megs and the "Usual"hop-ups.Grim would turn red with embaressment if he saw my system... :) - Hobbies/personal info: I am married with 2 kids,not some highschooler with no time on his hands.I love playn other folks across the states,its really cool ya know?I really do "suck"at these games but I do have a lotta' fun.I do have mental scars from guys like Grim ,DaDukesta,Creamator,Nihllist,and about 200 other players....BUT,these guys have helped me or said "hi" to me wich is cool.NONE of these guys talk trash and that is very respectfull,there gameplay is awsome,and that says enuff'.I am a Service Manager at a automotive dealership,I work about 52 hours a week,I really dont have the time to get good,but I have been known to get on a "Hot Streak",wich really can foul up a rank,ya' know?Anyway,thanx Grim for havin' me on youre show,this is a pretty cool sight!And to all of you non-TEN folks,try it!It really is fun!
- TEN suggestions/gripes: More Tournements!More Women,Wine and Song! Other than that nuthn really.
Thanx everyone and PEACE!
- Real Name: Kevin Calk
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: Scottsdale, AZ
- Age: 28
- Games you play on TEN: SW,Quake
- Computer: Micron P-266
- Connection type: 28.8
- Graphics card: Diamond Stealth 3D 2000 Pro
- 3D Accelerator:
- Sound card: AWE 64
- Primary game controller: Keyboard
- Anything else?:
- Hobbies/personal info: Flying
- TEN suggestions/gripes:
yourmama (mc hammer)
- Real Name: Jared V
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: Portland Oregon
- Age: 24
- Games you play on TEN: Duke 3D, Duke 3D and Duke 3D
- Computer: p200 mmx 32ram
- Connection type: 33,6
- Graphics card: matrox mill. 4meg
- 3D Accelerator: ?maybe?
- Sound card: good old sound blasters
- Primary game controller: keys & mouse
- Your config.
- Hobbies/personal info: Well one thing i can say is that duke nukem is the best game i have ever played, and TEN is the best online gaming service for duke. Theres a lot of nice people on TEN although it does have its share of jack ass's. One thing i wish duke had is a team option. Duke nukem teams kicks ass. My favorite team map is redlight, where Jigsore and I kick ass. Back in the good old days jigsore and i lived together while at school and would have our computers right next to each other. Some cool people that ive met on TEN are: jigsore, mcjiggs, jjf (baaa), quick_kid, skull_, X_bones, msbeep (baaa), factorX, chew-toy,
lordPseudo, nstradamus (i hope i spelled that right), Man iam leaving out so many its not even funny, anyway theres a lot of cool people out there, sorry if i missed you. If theres a way to add more to the list i will. Keep duke alive. If you like track and field you rock!
I threw the javelin and jigsore threw the hammer in college, so if your a track and field fan your on my good guy/gal list! - TEN suggestions/gripes: What ever happen to that pimpster1 guy? Anyone remember him? Anyway Duke Nukem 3D = #1
- Real Name: Robert
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Where ya from?: Canada
- Age: 32 (in 2015) (14-15 when I played on TEN.)
- Games you play on TEN: Shadow Warrior, Duke3d, ARC
- Computer: HP 8440p Laptop. Core i5 520m processor 2.4/2.9Ghz, 4gb ddr3, 250gb Samsung Evo 840 SSD, Integrated GFX. Multidisc DVD burner.
- Computer when I played on TEN: IBM Aptiva E03. Cyrix 133Mhz(pr166,) 16mb sdram 66Mhz, 2.1 gb quantum bigfoot 5.25" hdd, Lucent 56k flex protocol/fax modem. 20x cd rom. Crystal semiconductor audio. 15" Crt monitor. Ati rage3d 2mb onboard graphics, upgraded to Moster 3d fusion.
- Connection type: 4G mobile
- Graphics card: 16mb Diamond Monster 3d Fusion (3dfx banshee chip) (In 2015 I have an XFX 9800GT XXX in my core2duo e6750 desktop computer)
- 3D Accelerator: Banshee.
- Sound card:Crystal Semi-Conductor
- Primary game controller: Keyboard + Mouse.
- Your config.(is awesome)
- Hobbies/personal info: Motocross, Outdoors, Computers, Family. Yes I added my name to this list haha!
- TEN suggestions/gripes: Like many, I wish it still existed.