2. Is Lo Wang taller or shorter than Duke Nukem? Taller Shorter Same
3. What is the name of Level 3? Rising Son Zilla Construction Master Leep's Temple
4. What year was Shadow Warrior officially released? 1996 1997 1999
5. Who was the original Project Leader for the making of Shadow Warrior? Keith Schuler George Broussard Levelord
6. What was the original colour of Lo wang's pants? Black Brown Red
7. When was Shadow Warrior Central created? 1999 2001 1997
8. What page of this site has the green Mr. Bandwidth easter egg on it? Gfx/ Art Site Map Robman Maps
9. What is the version of the leaked beta copy? v1.0 v1.1 v.90
10. What year was John Galt (voice of Lo Wang) born? 1944 1953 1940
11. Is it possible to speed run the entire game in less than 15 minutes? (with no cheats...) No Yes Hellz no...
12. Who created the map walkthrough demos? Joe Siegler Steffen Itterheim Ralph Wiggum
13. Name of the flag waving sound effect. (voc file) Flag03 Flag01 FLWV
14. Name of the map editor for Shadow Warrior? MapEdit Build Mapster32
15. What Game was released first? Shadow Warrior Duke Nukem 3d Duke Nukum
16. What is the maximum amount of characters allowed in a file name for the original dos Sw Version? 8 12 32
17. What map # will you find Zilla waiting for you? 21 19 20
18. What is the size in megabytes of the original Sw.grp file? 52 45 13
19. Who created this trivia? NimNim Robman Carger2000
20. Name of ST1 sprite hi-tag #69. FLOOR_Z_ADJUST SECT_VATOR SPAWN_SPOT
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