10/07 - 3D Portal: Gunman Central
09/04 - New User-Made SW Map
05/27 - 3D Portal Server Switch
05/09 - 3D Portal E3 Site
05/02 - Shadow Warrior Sound Patch
05/01 - 3D Realms Online Store Opens
The 3D Portal Network is proud to announce its newest site: Gunman Central! Gunman Central is a site focusing on the upcoming Gunman game, being co-developed by Valve Software & Rewolf Software. Be sure to check out our interview with a member of the Rewolf team, and also the exclusive screen shots we scored for the launch of the site.
We hope you enjoy this latest addition to our network and we hope it earns a spot in your bookmarks! So be sure to stop by Gunman Central today!
Shadow Warrior map maker IGGY-88 has posted his most recent and probably last map. The map is entitled "Heaven and Hell" and is a large map set in three parts: Purgatory, Heaven, and Hell. It also has a level over level effect. So if you haven't played Shadow Warrior in a while it might be time to bring out your CD, install it, and give this map a try!
As you may or may not have noticed, we had some downtime earlier today as we moved all of our 3D Portal Network sites over to our brand new server with Quad Xeon 550 CPUs, 2 GB RAM, and 300 GB of hard disks controlled via RAID. The switch to the new server appears to have been very successful, but we're still on the lookout for any minor problems that pop up this weekend.
If you spot any problems with any of our web sites, our file archive, or any of our other services, please e-mail [email protected] to let us know. Thanks for your patience.
Tuesday, May 9, 2000
3D Portal E3 Site Open
[ Category: Community | Subcategory: E3 Coverage ]
[ Posted by Staff at 05:20 PM CST ]
Looking for some pics of booth babes? New games for Mac, Playstation2, Dreamcast, and PC? Random shots of people staring at oversized cutouts of action figures? Well then you've found your site! 3D Portal is proud to present our E3 site, which covers all these things and more!! We will be featuring the latest and greatest in games, events, booths, and happenings from the world's greatest gaming show, E3! Keep checking back into the site from now until after the show is over, and we promise to bring you the best news from the show.
Shadow Warrior has a new small fix (35k) that should help SBLive! soundcard owners and some others with sound problems. Check out the 3DRealms download page for more info:
This is only for the following versions of Shadow Warrior: US v1.2 (both shareware & registered)
None of the 3DFX patches are supported.
No functionality is added to the game, nor is any game play changed. This is a minor sound patch only.
For further technical support, you can check 3DRealms' tech support page which has other helpful hints on getting Shadow Warrior (and other games) to work.
The 3D Realms Online Store is finally open, which will allow you to order your favorite titles and merchandise online directly from 3D Realms. You will still be able to place orders by phone, fax, and mail alongside the new online store which offers all products from the Apogee/3D Realms product line. In addition, about 23 selected titles (including Duke Nukem I and II and Wolfenstein!) are available for immediate download from the online store in lieu of shipping. Orders of downloadable and non-downloadable products can be taken care of all at once.
The new 3D Realms Online Store accepts Master Card, Visa, American Express, and Discover cards and also ships anywhere in the world allowed by the U.S. Government, not just to U.S. customers. has just undergone a major site redesign. While we all loved the old site design, some times web layouts must also die. Its main page features news section links to TFC, OpFor, and CS sections, along with complete link listings for all items mod related. The new site features an Expanded Download Section featuring several of your favorite Half-Life Mod categories, along with other basic Half-Life maps and utilities.'s new design was constructed by none other than Matt "Mattcake" Harris, who has done most of 3D Portal's excellent website designs. Extra thanks go out to Brad Wernicke for putting in all the extra hard work and time into getting this new layout up and ready, along with the rest of the 3D Portal staff. Check out the new and improved here!
Wednesday, April 12, 2000
WIWY Released!
[ Category: Shadow Warrior | Subcategory: TC/Mod Releases ]
[ Posted by Staff at 09:18 PM CST ]
WIWY has been released! This is a brand new TC for you do download and get down to. Head over to the site and download it today!
Thursday, March 23, 2000
Map FAQ Updated
[ Category: Shadow Warrior | Subcategory: Editing ]
[ Posted by Staff at 03:03 PM CST ]
The Shadow Warrior online FAQ has been updated. You can find it right here.
The new 3DRealms website has been launched! Check it out at (the DNS will catch up in a few days). They have a bunch of new stuff on the site, including a new host, Qwest. Check out the specs (for you netgeeks out there):
The 3D Realms Web Server is co-located at Qwest. The box is a Sun Enterprise 250 running Solaris 2.6. It's a 400Mhz UltraSparc II Processor with 1 Gigabyte of RAM. The drive is a 36Gig RAID drive. Our connection is a burstable (up to) 10Meg a second on a T3.
The new site also features lots of changes, the most visible being: No frames! They also added .plan updates, an internal banner system, improved polling and discussion boards, and lots of other innovations culled from the online gaming news industry :)
We're proud to announce our latest addition to the 3D Portal Network, UTWorld, the newest player in the Unreal Tournament community. UTWorld is dedicated to providing the latest and most in-depth help for playing Unreal Tournament, Unreal Tournament files, news, and other information.
The site's massive help center is full of detailed help on every Unreal Tournament map, all weapons and items, information on the forms of game play, a newbie guide, server admin guide, console commands, cheat codes, and MUCH more. The UTWorld file archive contains hundreds of Unreal Tournament files, with everything from official files such as demos and patches, to user-made maps of all types, and mutators designed by talented programmers from the community. And last, but not least, the community section of UTWorld is chock full of information on the UT community... forums, IRC, web site links, UT reviews and interviews, and more!
If you enjoy playing Unreal Tournament or have been considering purchasing the game, drop what you're doing and head on over to UTWorld right away!
Wednesday, February 16, 2000
WIWY Update
[ Category: Shadow Warrior | Subcategory: TC/Mod Status Updates ]
[ Posted by Staff at 05:20 PM CST ]
Yves Bresson has updated the WIWY site with some info on the release date, progress, and future plans. Checkout the update and learn more right here.
Phillip Winwood, who composed the 007-esque anthems for the Shadow Warrior TC "Tonight Never Ends" by Lights Out, has released his first album, "Kickstart". The CD contains the 'Tonight Never Ends' song, along with a hidden remix of the song and the full version of the music featured in the TC when the final encounter with Zilla takes place. You can purchase it online at for $5.99.
Friday, January 7, 2000
Deadly Fun
[ Category: Shadow Warrior | Subcategory: Site Movements ]
[ Posted by Staff at 03:41 PM CST ]
A new total conversion, Deadly Fun is joining the ranks of elite Shadow Warrior TC makers. Check out the site here.
Friday, December 24, 1999
New Map Downloads!
[ Category: Wangsdojo | Subcategory: Downloads ]
[ Posted by Staff at 05:57 PM CST ]
Happy Holidays everyone, we've got a batch of eight new Shadow Warrior maps tfor you to download over the holiday weekend, check em' out: