Well we skipped 2021, was likely a crap year anyways so perhaps it's for the best. Here's a small list of SW related news to catch up on before we go another year without a news entry. Sadly John Galt, voice of Lo Wang passed away on January 29, 2022 at the ripe ol' age of 81. | |
Graf Zahl & company of GZDoom has taken up the task of creating ports for the Build Engine games, here's his/their port: Raze. |
Hxixdxy has been working on a new add on for SW called Doki Doki Island. As you can see from the image to the left it's showing some promass. |
MarkKaminari00 has also begun creating a new add-on for SW and can be found here: ModDB |
Shadow Warrior Central Discord - discord.gg/6QjKeYUaJ4
Oh and there's a script set to make Mapster32 function for SW! | ![]()